In my head there are two worlds, one is rational, mathematic, and the other is more irrational, although also mathematic, but with expressions of art and design. Since a long time ago, in my professional life it was very hard to find a middle point between the two worlds; during the 90s I did 3D animation, but I was also a software developer. During the following years I’ve realised that I am both. I had works and projects from the art world, and others from the rational one, and in general, all very interesting. Obviously the combination of both worlds fills me completely. We can create software that can make art. We can do computer generated characters with some artificial intelligence, and that can be art, but also technic and rational stuff. The fact of discovering this is very rewarding.
Digital Art
Pixel, Experimental Videogame

Pixel is a reminder of what the pixel means and its power.
The pixel is the smallest element of any digital creation.
On today’s screens, by creating ever-increasing pixel densities, the pixel has become completely overlooked. This experimental game, on the other hand, gives it prominence and even on screens of extremely high density where the pixel can barely be perceived by the human eye, the pixel is given centre stage.
Since each element in the game is a single pixel, this means that the pixel is the only element of the interface; there is nothing else: there is no visible score, there is no running time, only pixels. The whole game can represent a classic game of ships, or a person struggling in vain against the heat of the planet, or simply whatever the imagination of the player desires. The pixels agree to be representatives of whatever players want.
Pixel seeks that when you play, you can perceive the power of what you are moving, of what appears to be a minimal glimpse of light and at the same time is the fundamental piece of everything that is digitally represented on a screen.
To play:
3D Gallery. Interactive 3D environment for Born Digital Digital Art Exhibition

“… mathematics leads you to a very scary conclusion: since there is only one real world, whereas the number of potential virtual worlds is infinite, the probability that you happen to inhabit the sole real world is almost zero.” – Yuval Noah Harari, Homo Deus: A History of Tomorrow
The exhibition
The artworks emit sensations that invite us to immerse ourselves; sound brought from the real world, but replicated in the form of particles; audio-reactive images that are presented in the absence of sound; the story that is represented as a tapestry, not analog but digital, that does not shelter but comforts with intimate narratives; repeated footprints that show human-soil communication interface; silent spectrograms; and the rational and irrational of art and science in a world created from its own logic.
To visit:
To visit:
Happy Moon
Is an interactive artwork based on a photography of volcano from Patagonia. It was exposed on 2015 in Game On! the most important event from Argentina that combines art and videogames.
Generates oppression, drowning and brain fatigue. It is a real visualisation of the amount of information that is generated daily in news media and Internet; showing its difficulty to read and understand. Under the hood there is a software that gathers automatically news from the Internet. At its current speed, it takes around 24 hours to read all news generated in a single online newspaper.
Pong 3D
3D version of the first commercial videogame made programmatically in Javascript.

Videogame Characters Timeline
Combined pixel art from early arcade times by year.
Printed media exposed in 2009 in the first edition of Game On! Art and videogames event.

Recently I’ve made prints with this and put the collection on Etst!
Daily Picture
There is beauty everywhere. Every day we have a bunch of opportunities to capture it. Every day I make a photo. Every day I am busy doing something else. This daily experiment I am making is just a reminder to do not forget that there is beauty everywhere.
This artwork was part of Berlin Photo Exhibition.

I also put this on Etsy!